Monkey Forest Sanctuary

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Bali is also known as Mandala Wisata Wanara Wana locally. The location of Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Bali is in the village area called Padangtegal. Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Bali is a forest sanctuary quiet and beautiful. Thick, green flora seems to fill up the space with well-paved walking path throughout this open delightful forest. The complex has 3 holy temples within its compound. Pura Prajapati is used for cremation ceremony for the deceased. Holy Bathing Temple located near the stream. Pura Dalem Agung is a local temple for Padangtegal villagers.
Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, Bali is home to three groups of long-tailed Balinese Macaques, totaling about 200 monkeys.


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